Kommentar von klexel am 06.05.2014 22:40:30 
Ergänzung und weitere Videos.
Das folgende Video passt zum Thema: "I forgot my phone" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_My64bxS5c . Und richtig erhellend ist das folgende Video, in dem sich amerikanische Jugendliche zu einzelnen Szenen des o.a. Videos äußern und ihre eigenen Erfahrungen schildern. "Teens react to smartphones" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsO9MIaIazM 10. min Alle drei Videos ergeben eine gute Grundlage für eine Unterrichtseinheit zum Thema Smartphones, Social Media etc. Erfahrungen und Rückmeldungen wären nett.

Kommentar von sandy03 am 05.06.2014 18:06:48 
Zu diesem Thema passt auch ein Song von Placebo ein, den einige SuS sicher kennen, und der zum Nachdenken anregen kann...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69aCTCP1t9Q VG

Kommentar von aeolus am 22.04.2020 08:54:52 
Look up...
So beautiful!! Thank you ever so much! And I must congratulate you - it is a brilliant piece of work! I know, in times of corona everything is different - and people, hopefully, start to see what they are missing right now when they don't have the opportunity to (go out and) meet those they like. In these times WhattsApp and the mobile are or can be good instruments to get into contact.- But I also must admit that even now, when so many people have more time, they don't find the time to phone - and speak personally, in "real time" ... and this is a sad thing. Before corona I talked with my pupils about the problem if "social media" could really be called "social" and to what extent, - and a girl wrote an interesting essay pointing out all the advantages they bring, too. I see them now, yes. But I hope so much that people learn in this crisis and start to live life differently afterwards ... it's their only chance to a real life of their own. That's my first comment - so, how do I end it? "Would be nice to know you in real life"? (Sounds a bit ... sorry). You are an interesting person and I am glad you succeeded in packing my thoughts and feelings about this problem (android people, walking around in the midst of other people, not seeing them... android mums, not looking at their babies, only phoning their friends instead of talking and singing with them like I used to do with mine...kids playing with a smartphone, perfect in handling it - at the age of one or two, before being able to talk even!... ) - better than I ever would have been able to. I can only say thank you! And I hope you influence as many people as possible in your life - it's important, vital - for us all! Stay healthy and happy and - live life to the fullest! aeolus

Kommentar von aeolus am 22.04.2020 10:00:15 
Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil ...
Da bin ich gleich nochmal. Das Video ist von Gary Turk, mein Fehler,- habe mich bei klexel bedankt - der Dank kommt dennoch von Herzen. (aeolus)

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