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Link'He named me Malala'. Trailer und Übungen  Seitenanfang
Trailer des Films 'He named me Malala' mit Übungen zum Wortschatz und Hör-Sehverstehen. Es eignet sich z.B. zum Thema 'Menschenrechte' (9.Klasse, Gymnasium, Hessen).
Link eingetragen von maricartmanUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 06.03.2018 07:53:45
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LinkWebquest Modern Slavery  Seitenanfang
Ein von mir erstelltes Webquest zum Thema "Modern Slavery" (Ausbeutung von Arbeitern in der Textilindustrie). Passwort Teacher's Page: Medienproduktion
Link eingetragen von cafi80Userprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 26.01.2017 08:57:17
Kommentare: 1 - Das offizielle Olympische Portal von London   Seitenanfang
Das offizielle Olympische Portal von London bietet nach einer Registrierung für Lehrer Unterrichtsmaterialien in Englisch u. English for beginners an, die man aber auch fächerübergreifend einsetzen kann.
Link eingetragen von sandy03Userprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 22.05.2012 21:51:18
Kommentare: 0 - Center for Genetics and Society  Seitenanfang
The Center for Genetics and Society is a nonprofit information and public affairs organization working to encourage responsible uses and effective societal governance of the new human genetic and reproductive technologies. We work with a growing network of scientists, health professionals, civil society leaders, and others.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 24.03.2009 18:36:39
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LinkThe Beautiful Game 2010 - World Cup Football Stuff  Seitenanfang
Wieder eine tolle Seite von Sean Banville: Jede Menge Material, Listening zum download, fertige Ready-to-use-Units, verschiedene Arbeitsblätter und Infos zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen rund um die Fußball-WM.
Link eingetragen von klexelUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 14.06.2010 22:49:38
Kommentare: 0 - Non Formal Learning  Seitenanfang
Education and learning across the continuum and lifespan – through a European lense and with a youth bias. Enjoy!
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 04.01.2010 16:56:02
Kommentare: 0 - Political Apologies  Seitenanfang
Very interesting Website with documents of political apologies and reparations.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 26.09.2009 11:33:35
Kommentare: 0 - Pro Diversity in Culture, Management and Work  Seitenanfang
Our Mission DiversityInc's mission is to bring education and clarity to the business benefits of diversity. DiversityInc DiversityInc is the leading publication on diversity and business. Founded in 1998 as a web-based publication, our monthly print magazine was launched in 2002. has the largest dedicated career center for diverse professionals, and a core part of our business is benchmarking companies against our DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity data (contact Shane Nelson or Luke Visconti). DiversityInc is privately owned by Luke Visconti and Foulis Peacock; we have no outside investors. Definition of Diversity Management We define diversity management as the proactive management of race/culture, gender, orientation, disability and age to ensure equal outcome in relationships with employees, customers, investors and suppliers. We feel that the first two factors (race and gender) are the most important because they impact the treatment of the other three factors and are the most dominant loci of discrimination. We believe that all people are created equally, and therefore, talent is distributed equally as well. We feel that an organization's management of diversity can be defined and judged in absolute metrics, most easily with human-capital statistics. A full explanation can be found in our Top 50 Companies for Diversity department. Staff DiversityInc is located in Newark, N.J. More than half of our employees are women and more than 75 percent are people of color. Our diversity is evenly representational across all levels of salary and responsibility. DiversityInc offers partner benefits, a generous 401K, and tuition reimbursement. Our job openings are posted on our career center. Our Target Audience Magazin of the Organizsation. - Our target audience is line executives at larger corporations and organizations and is appropriate for line management, owners/partners of women-and minority-owned businesses, and educators and students. Our audience is diverse in race, gender, orientation, ability and age — and includes senior executives, community leaders, educators and professionals who are highly educated, key influencers and decision makers — all passionate about diversity in their professional and personal lives.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 25.03.2009 21:09:53
Kommentare: 0 - The Global Voice for Consumers  Seitenanfang
Consumers International Strategic Plan for 2007 - 2011 Consumers International is the world federation of consumer groups that, working together with its members, serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers. Founded in 1960, CI is needed now, more than ever, to act for all consumers in today's globalised world. Our modern movement is essential to secure a fair, safe and sustainable future for consumers in a global marketplace increasingly dominated by international corporations. We are ambitious in our goals and aim to be an ever more powerful force for good in future years. This strategic plan sets out our mission, vision, values, operating principles, objectives, goals and implementation strategies for 2007-2011.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 20.03.2009 23:02:51
Auf dieser Webseite finden Sie ein kostenloses Deutsch-Englisch Vokabellernsystem. Sie können das Vokabeltraining sowohl schriftlich, als auch mündlich absolvieren. Weiters können Sie die Trainingsrichtung "Deutsch » Englisch", "Englisch » Deutsch" oder "Gemischt" wählen.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 19.03.2009 23:54:32
Kommentare: 0

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