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Humour - Satire - Fooling Around [4] Some Little Known Facts (that you probably don't want to know)   Seitenanfang
Eine Seite in der Art: Lexikon des unnützen Wissens. Hier findet man so lebenswichtige Informationen wie: Starfish don't have brains. *** Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.*** Mit diesen Sätzen kann man gut ab Klasse 9 aufwärts eine Vertretungsstunde gestalten, Lacher inklusive.
Link eingetragen von klexelUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 17.06.2013 06:40:38
Kommentare: 0

LinkMind your language  Seitenanfang
... ist eine tolle Comedy Serie, in der Leute aus verschiedenen Ländern versuchen, Englisch zu lernen. Sehr, sehr witzig, weil durch die verschiedenen Akzente der Lernenden eine Reihe von Missverständnissen entstehen. Man sollte möglichst mit der 1. Episode beginnen, in welcher der Kurs startet: "The first lesson". Viel Spaß damit!
Link eingetragen von marylinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 15.01.2013 08:07:09
Kommentare: 2 - The very best of British  Seitenanfang
The American's guide to speaking British. The seven sections on the left contain over 1000 words and expressions that have varied in their usage between the US and the UK. This list was compiled around 10 years ago and is all based on actual discussions with Americans from many States as we travelled around the USA. Of course, everyone has different experiences and the language seems to vary so much, and has moved on over the last decade, so don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning some of what you read. Take it all with a pinch of salt and in the spirit of fun. But most of all .... Enjoy!
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 20.03.2009 00:42:40
Kommentare: 0 - Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster  Seitenanfang
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, while having existed in secrecy for hundreds of years, only recently came into the mainstream when this letter was published in May 2005. With millions, if not thousands, of devout worshippers, the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents - mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs. Some claim that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. These people are mistaken. The Church of FSM is real, totally legit, and backed by hard science. Anything that comes across as humor or satire is purely coincidental.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 20.03.2009 00:20:56
Kommentare: 0

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