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von: piina321 Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 16.08.2013 10:30:22

JA also Storytelling habe ich drin weil ich ja "Something else" vorstelle..

Ja mir ist bewußt, dass dieses Thema in der Grundschule nicht wirklich vorhanden ist, aber ich muss ja eines von den drei Themen wählen. Da habe ich ja keine andere Alternative.

Mit dem language Ziel habt ihr aufjedenfall auch Recht. Deswegen dachte ich, dass ich eventuell Emotionen mit reinbringe, zB wie hat sich "Something else" gefühlt...aber da ist der Buch Tipp "Glad Monster, Sad Monster" natürlich auch super. Da werde ich vllt noch einmal ansetzen und das überarbeiten. DANKE

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von: piina321 Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 20.08.2013 15:12:17


also ich habe jetzt noch einmal über alles nachgedacht und meinen Lesson Plan völlig umgestaltet. Da ich nächste Woche ja schon abegeben muss, rennt mir leider auch die Zeit weg und da ich etwas panisch geworden bin, habe ich mich doch für "Something Else" entschieden, und als language Ziel angesetzt, dass die Kinder alte Vokabeln wiederholen.

The Introduction phase should attune the children into the English language. Furthermore it fits to the topic of the lesson plan “Immigration, Integration” because of the different languages in the song. The song is already known in class, so that they could start singing when I start playing the guitar.
After this I will start with the storytelling of the book “Something else” from Kathryn Cave. The Kamishibai will already stand in the middle of the room, so that the children know, they have to come to the front and sit down around the Kamishibai, so that everybody can see something. I will just tell the story up to the point where ”Something Else” is going home, because the rest of the story is not necessary for my aim of the lesson.
For the central section I want the students to retell important parts of the story . The important parts would be first the scene where “Something Else” is trying to do everything like the other animals do and the last scene where “Something Else” is going home. The picture cards of the story are hanging on the board and when I point to one of the picture cards the students should tell me which feelings are coming up in the picture and shortly retell what happened on the picture. In the first place “Something Else” wants to belong to them, so he is trying to be pleased in the society and could feel: alone, not accepted and sad but also enthusiasm and excited, because he tries to be like them. In the picture where “Something Else” is leaving he feels sad, disappointed, not accepted and maybe angry aswell. The other animals could feel superior and strong because they are in a big group. With this they repeat old vocabulary and they practice their free speaking.
For the learning activity part I divide the class, consisting of 20 Students, in 4 groups. So in each group there are 5 students. The first group should deal with “Something Else”. What do you think is “Something Else” doing after he left the other animals? How does he feel? They should answer these questions by drawing a picture of “Something Else”. Through this exercise the children reflect “Something Else” feelings and have a showdown with his feelings. The second group will deal with the other animals. Therefore they get the questions: Do you think the other animals were acting in the right way? How could they handle it instead? Here the students should reflect the story and think about how they would handle a situation like this. The third group should do a role-play. They should play the story and after they did this I want them to tell us how they felt. For example the role of “Something Else” could say, that he did not feel well and expelled. Through this exercise the children should emphasize in the different characters. The fourth group should find another ending of the story, read it aloud in front of the class and tell us why they have chosen this ending. The students here practice their imagination and most of all their writing skills.
In the reflection part they I want to the students to summarize what we could learn from the story. They should have learned that everyone should accept everyone and that we should always be tolerant towards others. And that we could hurt other feelings with our words, so everyone should be careful with what they say.

Ich glaube so ist der Übergang einfach besser und es kommt eher raus was mein Ziel am Ende der Stunde ist

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